Montgomery County Chamber Music Society
R e p e r t o i r e
The Montgomery County Chamber Music Society has a collection of sheet music ranging from traditional duets and trios to modern octets and nonets. The collection includes several hundred works from Vivaldi to Joplin to Sousa. The music calls for instruments from violin to horn to recorder and many others.
Enjoying browsing through our virtual filing cabinet so you can get an idea of what we play. Of course, we also keep an eye out for new music. You are welcome to donate physical sheet music as well as funds for purchasing sheet music.
Some of our members compose music. MCCMS is a splendid opportunity to try your hand at this skill. Consider an MCCMS concert for the debut of your next opus!
There are websites that provide free sheet music. We have listed several of the most popular on our Play With Us page. If you find something of interest, print out copies for each part and bring it to the next rehearsal!
Our sheet music collection contains many older more fragile works. Please treat them gently. The collection is lovingly cared for by our MCCMS Administrators: Mary Madsen, Faith Stern, and Don Libes